Magnet Watch by Sound Imaging
to learn more:
Enhance Clinical Workflow and Reduce Maintenance Cost
The Magnet Watch allows you to continuously monitor your MRI machine with a connection through the magnet monitor, examining the health of an MR magnet cryo-system directly through your internet network. The Magnet Watch can prevent helium loss or equipment failure by streamlining preventative maintenance, increasing productivity, reducing helium expenses, and allowing for quicker response time.
Receive Text Messages or Email Notifications of your MRI Vitals via Pulse Technology
Monitor Your MRI equipment from anywhere!
Our system links to a monitor box. It monitors the following key components of your MRI: Vessel Pressure, Helium Level, Chiller Water Temperature, Chiller Water Flow, CSW-71 Compressor Status (On/Off), Equipment Room Temperature, Equipment Room Humidity, Magnet Quench Detection, Power, and Coldhead Efficiency.
Why choose a magnet watch?
- Avoid helium loss or equipment failure.
- Increases facility productivity.
- It reduces the chance of a quench.
- It allows for quicker response times.
- It reduces the cost of 24-hour service.